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HOME > National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) Survey

18 Mar 2020

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) Survey

I you are familiar with our Organic Resources page, you may have used some of the resources from NCAT.  If you have, please take 10 minutes to fill out this survey.  NCAT is looking for your feedback on how you use ATTRA resources, how satisfied you are with those resources, and the impacts and benefits that you have seen from using these resources. The results will be used to identify the strengths and opportunities for improvement in the ATTRA program, and to provide evidence of the ongoing need for ATTRA resources and services.  All results from this survey are confidential and will remain anonymous.

Any questions about survey questions or the goals of the evaluation can be directed to Kristal Jones, External Evaluator (kristal@jgresearch.org). Questions about the ATTRA program and resources can always be submitted through the ATTRA website.